Prasanna Venkatesan

Artha Gyan is the Brain Child of Mr. Prasanna Venkatesan. Before Artha Gyan happened, he worked for several MNCs in India. His interaction with over 10,000 youth all around India made him realize that they have been completely mislead to have high paying jobs and immediate luxuries as their only goals in life. A major influencing factor for this attitude was the lack of knowledge about finances. He feels many youth organizations aim to imbibe self confidence, inculcate right values, communication skills, various soft skills, but hardly any organization attempts to teach entrepreneurship and the much needed financial literacy. He started Artha Gyan to fill this gap. He is also the co-founder of Evobi, an Edutainment technology company providing innovative learning solutions to school and college students. Earlier, he was a partner and Marketing director of an Indian Robotics company. He is also keen on Internet Startups and is currently in the process of starting one which would facilitate an export service. He has a Masters Degree from Carnegie Mellon University. He has also conducted/ offered courses for Post Graduate students in advanced topics in areas of Computer Vision and System Integration concepts in Robotics. Apart from his professional career, he organizes and teaches the YES!+ (Youth Empowerment and Skills) workshops of the Art of Living foundation. He loves playing cricket, captaining teams in local leagues, reading about ancient Indian history.